Request our Grow Track Dialogue to grow existing clients
Every company is challenged to increase sales from existing customers. In the words of an age-old rhyme,
- Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver, the other gold.
Where do you begin? Define a Grow Strategy as part of your Track Selling Momentum. We suggest creating great qualification questions that engages and persuades current clients to buy more from you. A grow strategy assures them they're making a good business decision if they expand their purchases from you.
Why do this? Because the quickest way to increase revenue is not from new customers, it's from existing customers.
During Step 2 - Qualification, ask about how they could grow their business, growth options, how they could accomplish it, and your possible role in it. All this adds up to growing current customers.
A customer grow strategy is usually conducted by either sales or customer service personnel. Grow strategies keep you ahead of the competition with larger market share and engender customer loyalty. We're happy to share these questions, available on request.
If you'd like copy, contact us at [email protected]. Ask and you shall receive. We're here to be of service.
Good luck and good selling.
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